Monthly Archive: February 2023

Tough times

Times are getting tougher. It means we’ve got to squeeze the most out of everything.  Not just the toothpaste, but out of all else. At the supermarket I asked a...

Got to get a word in edgeways on Harry and Megs

The brouhaha over Harry and Meghan ever continues.  I just love the ‘vomiting man’ emojis I got when I last mentioned Harry’s book. Now I’ve got to get a word...

Let’s count our blessings

Don’t be obliged to read me. My pieces are too long, too wordy and not snippets for glances at on smart phones that you only have the time and patience...

The frightening Fox

In one of our tropical rainstorms the other day I was twiddling on the net for news from the outside world and had the misfortune of happening upon Fox News...