Monthly Archive: January 2025

Scary sh*t, isn’t it

Dateline Harare Zimbabwe Not only are the sewers broken and bursting around here, not only are the streets potholed and lined with litter but there’s more sh*t on the way....

Time for free speech, hey ho!

Everyone has the right to a viewpoint. This one from British writer Nate White: Trump “has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth,...

You couldn’t make it up

Dateline Harare Zimbabwe In his own social media posts, Wicknell Chivayo is dishing out US $100 bills at the Victoria Falls airport when he overlooks one woman’s outstretched hand and...

The road ahead. It’s not this one…

No obstacles, no potholes, no mangled wreckage. Here’s to wishing it could be so. First person: “I’m giving up drinking, I’m eating healthier, more exercise , more social interaction, I’ll...