Author: Angus Shaw

On the dark side. Where to find the devil

On the dark side. Why nice people become cruel, as found by the psychology department at Stanford University in the U.S. It is all about power and submission – and...

High on helium

Tanzania is high on helium. Vast reserves of the gas have just been found beneath the Rift Valley in east Africa. Helium is used in brain scanners and other medical...

What now?

  A neighbour down the road says he has never been as demoralised as he is now but nor has he been crossing his fingers as much as he does...

There’s no plan

Morale is poor, spirits are low. People are depressed by our endless problems. “Be calm, be Zimbabwean and make a plan.” Surely money is needed to make a plan? But...

Only in Zimbabwe

  Three elderly gentlemen say they have a combined 150 years of experience drinking in pubs, clubs and bars the world over. But they have never before seen an optic...

Where they do things differently

To get to this, you need to go with this. The driver who took this photo on his phone of one of the convoy escorts was briefly arrested. No photos!...

Reflections on Zhing Zhong and China

VILANKULOS, Mozambique – In case it passed unnoticed, it is 50 years exactly since Chairman Mao began China’s Cultural Revolution that killed, conservatively, 2 million people in the beginning and...