Category: Archive

Lunatics running, robbing the asylum?

Er, umm … It’s hard to think of anything to say except that the lunatics are running the asylum and they think we will believe anything they say. The torrent...

Thinking too much

We have a local word in these parts: ‘kufungisisa.’ Literally in the Shona language it means ‘thinking too much.’ But it is also the accepted word for the condition we...

Cholera can’t kill his music

The government claims the latest cholera epidemic is under control. It’s no consolation to the family, friends and colleagues of eminent musician, composer and choirmaster Rodwell Samkange who has succumbed...

Overwhelmed by it all? Crowdfunding versus luxury cars

Much controversy and ridicule swirls right now around excessive government spending on luxuries and the proposed crowdfunding  to help pay for the fight against  cholera. Aren’t we a bit overwhelmed...

Same old, same old?

Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU PF Politburo met and appointed most of the dropped ministers from the previous Cabinet as full time party officials in eleven party departments, presumably on good pay...

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. So said the French philosopher Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Kerr in 1849. Our once...

Here we go again. Another shocker.

The August holiday period is often called ‘the silly season’ when newsmakers are away from their posts. Nothing much happens so the newspapers and airwaves are filled with stories that...