36 years of independence. Where is it going?

As ever, The Herald newspaper excels itself.  Zimbabweans are celebrating the achievements in health, education and land reform after liberation from colonial rule in 1980. “Zimbabwe is the only country...

New Age numbers game: extra marital secrets

Here’s an interesting observation taken from the website of The Herald, the government-controlled daily in Zimbabwe, on a New Age game of numbers. The High Court ruled it is a privacy matter...

‘Volcanic eruption’ in pangolin poaching

  The television network CNN called it the most poached mammal in the world that no-one’s ever heard of – the pangolin, also known as the scaly ant-eater, the shy...

The cat with no tail

This is Chimhini, or ‘Short Tail’ in Shona. She is a pub cat and, like many of the patrons much of the time, she’s a darn cool cat. She is...

Odessa in Ukraine, an awfully long way from Chinhoyi

Phew, that’s a relief! Mr Mnangagwa says Zimbabwe has acquired 600,000 tons of grain and staple foods from Ukraine to ward off  starvation. The Grain Millers’ Association calculates that at...

Damned to the heart of darkness

Those unfortunate enough to need protective psychiatric care in Harare are surely among the damned of the earth. The only lock-up is the Annexe at the government’s  main Parirenyatwa Hospital,...

They say money talks, but ours only says goodbye

They say money talks, but ours only says goodbye. This is generally the case unless you are in the tiny elite that has accumulated immense wealth in Zimbabwe through corruption,...

Rain: hedging bets on divine intervention

Zim should stand together in prayer, says the headline above Mpofu’s cartoon in the The Herald,  Zimbabwe. And God speaks? After a prolonged dry spell, much needed rain has come....