Man buys comb

  The comb is for tidying a new beard gown to distract you from my thinning cheeks and jowls, the side effects of weakened health and aging. Before the chin...

A great loss …

Farewell Jane Birkin, singer and actress dead at the age of 76 in Paris. To those of us initiates in our distant Bohemian days, she was born British, in Chelsea...

Last Tango in Paris

My quota of three grave professional errors – erreurs graves professionelles – had been used up. It was the end of a quiet night shift, the slot (duty editor) and I...

Anyone for lobster?

It’s three meals a day at the summit in the sumptuous surroundings of St Petersburg. Food is high on the agenda. Is there enough within reach, now and in times...

Sock it to ’em

Sock it to ’em!  Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather has been in the headlines again. He has apparently spent US 7 million in the Gucci shop in Joburg and was escorted out...

Hell’s Angel? Hell no, not me …

Think of bikers. Do you think of Hell’s Angels? Down here in Zimbabwe we have a different sort of biker. Big and powerful motorbikes? Yes. Skull and crossbones logos and...

Electionballs, no change over the passing of time

In these parts we have been through capitalism, Marxist-Leninist communism, humanism, socialism, corrupt elitism – and now we’ve got a new one: ‘miserablism.’ It is suffered by the majority of...

What really went on with Wagner?

Keen Russia watchers are confused. What really went on with Wagner?  Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, son of a Vladimir, has had to admit paying Yevgeny Victorovich Prigozhin, son of a Victor,...