Time for free speech, hey ho!

Everyone has the right to a viewpoint. This one from British writer Nate White:

Trump “has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no humility, no honour and no grace.

“He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is  – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

“The Queensberry Rules of decency, he breaks them all. He particularly likes to kick you when you are down. He is a Picasso of pettiness, a Shakespeare of shit. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. If Frankenstein decided to make a monster form human flaws he would make a Trump.”

American voters obviously think otherwise,

The French paper Liberation brutally illustrates it like this. “Have no fear, Trump is going to arrange everything.” Keep pumping for oil, stop immigration, more guns for Netanyahu, no gays, no trans, no Mexicans, no witches.

Elon Musk repeats  ‘I am the king of the world,’ Zelensky gets thrown under the bus, Xi Jinping gets a golf ball in the eye, “Diplomacy is as simple as 18 holes,” says arguably the most powerful man in the world after Musk,

Putin is on the sidelines of new trade tariffs and the hush money womaniser’s designs on the Panama Canal and Greenland.

Musk, the boy who left  South Africa’s Pretoria Boys High School at the age of 17 to go to America, goes hammer and tongs against lefty labour Brits and flirts with the Hitlerite far right in Germany.

Enuf said?

Click here for Trump’s interpretation of the conversation with Obama at Jimmy Carter’s state funeral. The soundless clip sent the media scurrying to find lip-readers.This is not their version.



Zuckerberg and the tech moguls are already lining up behind Trump’s free speech mantra, however risky that may be. Starting in the US, Facebook is getting rid of its content monitors, its morality police. They are jumping onto the Trump bandwagon and will save  a lot of money on staffing  costs.

In a piece I did a while ago FB struck out use of the British colloquialism ‘fags’ for cigarettes because it might offend the LGBT community.

So now, please excuse me, I am  just popping outside for a fag, a smoke. There are a couple of fags left in my packet.


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